Dear Mr. Chainsaw,
Why oh why did you decide that 8am was a good time to start clearing out all the wonderful black berry bushes that have dangled over my back fence? The bushes that have lived there peacefully for the past 8 years. Why oh why did you take down those organically growing, non polluted by car exhaust bushes that give me huge delicious berries every summer? Your yard is gigantic, the rest of it could use more help, you have left all kinds of dead vines that are now slipping under the fence and in to my flower beds. You also left all kinds of dead or now dying vines hanging from the gangly trees you have uncovered in the wake of you noise. And now, once again, your noise increases and you are apparently destroying the beautiful big hedge that give me a sense of privacy. I can only hope that your chainsaw sees what you are doing and decides to not start.
with disgust,
you sassy neighbor