Monday, August 22, 2011

Things Change, Don't They?

I can hardly believe it's been over a year since I last posted to my blog. It started as a way for me to share funny or interesting things I saw or happened to me. But, then un-funny things began to happen. A close and very loved family member was diagnosed with a condition that took her life this past January. My husband and I decided it was more important to keep our small business afloat, thus keeping others employed, than make our HUGE house payment. The bank refused to "modify" our current loan ( after sending them close to 400 pages of documents, mostly repeats because they kept telling me "we didn't receive them) and then find out we don't qualify anymore. My former spouse owing me close to $50,000 in back child support, finally paying weekly payments now that our baby is ready to fly the nest. And last, but not least, my own struggle with what I thought had been forgiveness turned out wasn't as complete as I thought. I have to say THANK YOU JESUS for finally bringing it fully to light where I could finally forgive completely. Finally, words have become just that...words..the pain, frustration, bitterness and resentment they used to bring, now only bring...well, nothing. I really shouldn't say nothing, they bring no emotion other You see, God is renewing my mind. I never really understood that until this past week, when I read words, from someone who is full of pain and other emotions and feels the need to share them over and over and has for the past 11 years. In the past, the words would have sent me in to weeks of regurgitation. You know what I mean, the mulling over, talking about, not letting go until all your energy is used up kind of stuff. I am free from that now! The Lord has set me free. A few weeks ago I asked the Lord to renew my mind. I didn't feel a thunderbolt from heaven, or have an angelic visitation, but I did begin to notice worship songs coming to mind and I began to see things from a different perspective - a God perspective, as it were. He answered my prayer! This time, I just thought, they are just words and this person needs God's love to heal the gaping wound those kinds of words come from. So, now, I pray, pray for that person, that they may know forgiveness, walk in freedom, and have their mind renewed by Jesus.